How to improve your health easily thanks to amla benefits

A few months ago, after hearing my Indian friends praise amla benefits for health, I decided to study this subject.

If you read this blog regularly, you know that since 2012 I have been totally crazy about amla berry, a gooseberry that grows in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and is considered sacred in these countries.

I started using it as a hair care product, which allows me to have stronger, longer and still brown hair despite being 47 years old.

In my article on amla oil benefits for hair, I show you the effect on my hair, with photos, advise you on the amla oils to use and tell you about the scientific studies carried out.

In this article, you learn:

  • what is the composition of amla, which explains amla health benefits,
  • the scientific researches,
  • how to use amla juice benefits,
  • what are dried amla benefits,
  • how to use amla powder benefits for health.
Amla and other adaptogen herbs table
Adaptogen herbs. Hand drawn vector set of medicinal plants
how and when to use amla for health - antyoxidant - antidiabetic - anticancer

Amla caps: the easiest to use.

Note: I get commissions for purchases made through links in this post at no extra charge for you.

Note: Amazon has hired additional staff to handle the increase in orders. Delivery delays may be caused by delivery companies. It is therefore worth ordering despite these small delays.

Order amla caps and read more reviews >> here

Read my article here to know how to use amla tablets

FAQ – amla health benefits.

How to use amla powder for drinking?

It’s easy. Dilute 4 grams of amla powder in hot water. Add honey.

How to take amla juice in the morning?

Dilute 10-20ml in water. You can add another fruit juice or honey to fight amla sour. Better with an empty stomach.

Which vitamin is present in Amla?

Amla contains mainly Vitamin C.

Is amla good for blood pressure?

Yes. Amla is full of antioxidant and nutrients that have a proven effect on blood pressure.

What is Amla composition?

The benefits of amla emblica officinalis are due to the nutrients and antioxidants present in the fruit:

  • vitamin C,
  • vitamin A,
  • polyphenols,
  • amino acids (alanine, lysine, proline, aspartic acid, glutamic acid),
  • proteins,
  • carbohydrates,
  • calcium,
  • potassium,
  • magnesium,
  • iron,
  • carotene,
  • alkaloids,
  • gallotannins,
  • pectin.

What are Amla benefits for health?

Amla is recognized for many health benefits. The Indian gooseberry is indeed rich in antioxidants and nutrients whose effectiveness is scientifically proven.

Eating the fruit, consuming the powder with hot water or drinking its juice participates in :

  • improving immune function – I use it to boost my immune defenses against coronavirus.
  • improving urinary health,
  • improving digestion and absorption of food,
  • improving male fertility,
  • improving vision and eye health,
  • improving cardiovascular health and blood pressure,
  • improving respiratory and cough function – when I start having a sinus congestion, I also apply tiger balm.
  • improving brain health and function,
  • reducing or control cholesterol and blood sugar levels,
  • reducing the effects of premature aging,
  • reducing dryness of the skin,
  • reducing dehydratation,
  • reducing recovery time in case of colds and flu,
  • reducing the risk of cancer and chronic diseases,
  • reducing the appearance of scars, blemishes, age spots and wrinkles,
  • reducing inflammation,
  • reducing sinus congestion,
  • illuminating or lightening the skin.

Amla and Ayurveda.

Ayurveda is based on the balance of three principles: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Pitta imbalance can lead to many ailments (hyper acidity in the stomach and digestion problems, headaches and migraines, hair loss, impurities in the blood, skin diseases, eye problems, etc). Thanks to its antioxidant effects and nutritional value, amla rebalances Pitta.

Traditional Chyawanprash, used for thousands of years in Ayurveda for rejuvenation and maintenance of good health, is composed of Ayurvedic fruits and herbs. Its main ingredient is amalaki.

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The scientific studies on amla benefits for health.

Some studies have examined amla benefits for health.

Most existing studies on the benefits of amla have not used human subjects.

However, amla has been used and consumed by humans for thousands, if not tens of thousands of years.

And it is very important in many ancient medical systems, whose teachings are now slowly being supported by scientific research, such as Ayurveda.

In India, everyone I meet knows amla and uses it to treat themselves, for prevention, to boost their energy or to regulate their weight.

A 2010 comparative study of 3,100 foods used worldwide showed that dried amla is the one with the highest antioxidant content.

A study conducted in 2016 found that young chickens given even very low doses of amla extract improved their immune health and developed faster than chickens that did not receive amla.

A study carried out in 2017 confirmed the conclusions of previous studies, particularly in 2011, that the seven phenols contained in the oil extracted from the fruit had anticancer properties.

Another study in late 2017 found that female hypothyroid rats on a high-fat diet for 6 weeks reduced oxidative stress and inflammation.

Many studies have also shown that amla can have anti-diabetic properties.

How to use amla juice benefits?

Many of my Indian friends take amla juice cures for their hair and skin, regulate their weight and take care of their health.

But don’t put amla juice on your hair as some sites recommend. This is not the intended use, it is inefficient and the oil is made for this use.

In November 2015, I drank this juice every morning to fight my allergy to dust, because amla strengthens the immune system.

Be aware that amala juice and fruit are very acidic and sour, so they need to be diluted a lot.

Don’t use more than 10-20ml per day and drink it with the empty stomach.

Note: Amazon has hired additional staff to handle the increase in orders. Delivery delays may be caused by delivery companies. It is therefore worth ordering despite these small delays.

Order amla juice >> here or below.

How to use dried amla benefits?

During my trip in early 2018, the headmistress of a high school gave me dried amla fruits from the school’s huge organic garden.

Some of my Indian friends told me a lot about the benefits of eating amla.

They use to eat a few berries in the morning on an empty stomach. They say they feel more energetic and of course it improves their health, skin and hair. Some of them mix them with other fruit juices.

You can buy them dried or in capsules.

For my part, I eat 3 of them every morning, before or after my fruit juice. Beyond that, I feel an overflow of energy.

Note: Amazon has hired additional staff to handle the increase in orders. Delivery delays may be caused by delivery companies. It is therefore worth ordering despite these small delays.

Order dry amla >> here or below.

How to use amla powder benefits for health?

If you prefer, the taste of dried amla and juice being not necessarily pleasant, you can opt for infusions based on amla powder.

Simply dilute the powder with hot water and add honey.

Don’t use more than 4 grams per day.

Read my guide on amla powder to know all its effects.

Note: Amazon has hired additional staff to handle the increase in orders. Delivery delays may be caused by delivery companies. It is therefore worth ordering despite these small delays.

Order amla powder >> here or below.

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What is amla season in India?

Amla season is from October to April.

Conclusion – amla berry vitamin C.

Amla benefits for health are numerous and it is therefore not surprising that it is also used in Ayurvedic medicine.

Whether in juice, powder, dried fruit or even capsules, you can find and >> order it easily here

You can read my article here to know which amla product to use depending on your needs.

This article contains compensated links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Consult the disclaimer on the site for more information.

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how to improve healty thanks to amla - antoxidant - antidiabetic - anticancer

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